Google Project Ara( An innovative piece’s’ of smart phone)

All the projects that Google is working on, like Project Ara, Project fi, Project Soli, Project wing, Project balloon, Project Tango and many more are super cool.

In my view this year Google I/O 2016 was mostly about AI and VR. Last year I have read about “Google Project Ara” and that really freaked me out. Now let’s see what actually is Project Ara.

Google Project Ara wants to do to hardware what apps did to software.


By creating a phone that can have each component changed, all the main components are interchangeable via modules that click in and out, attaching via electro permanent magnets.

Google believes it will drive down hardware pricing while allowing users to pick and choose what they want. That’s what Google’s Project Ara a modular smartphone aims to do. No need to buy a new Smartphone due to some damage just change the respective module. At last we can say only one thing that it’s a flexible platform suitable for everyone, everywhere and any time. It allows developers to be able to create modules for its Ara device.

So, let me know what do you think…

Hurrah! My blog turns an year now…

Hurrah! It’s been an year now. One thing’s for sure, blogging community here is awesome. I learnt so much here. Now, my blog turns an year and I got an year of experience in blogging. This is a huge thing to me. So, I thought, why not make this article a huge one too. Before you get mad at me scrolling down and down and wondering where it ends, let me explain you something.

When I did my 100th article with 100 followers (Celebrating 100th article with 100 followers). I thought I would write my 200th article with 200 followers but, it didn’t happen now. This is my 153rd article with 210 followers;);) The funny thing is I got the followers count, as I said before  bloggers here are really awesome, but I didn’t reach my articles count;);) It’s pretty genuine though, you don’t want to read junk and I don’t want to write articles to just satisfy the count.

Moving on, as you scroll down, hopefully you find some really interesting articles. And there are so many of them. Trust me you won’t be disappointed because, all my favourite articles are listed below. The good thing is, almost all of my articles are listed. Favourites till my 100th were listed in one article and from 100th to this particular article are listed below. So, this is an eye feasting article, atleast to me;)

If you have read and still remember my 100th article you might have noticed that, a few dialogs are similar right? Yeah! In case you don’t reach the end of this article reading and scrolling, let me tell you something. Thank you so much for making this happen, thank you for your support and thanks for your suggestions. Appreciate it!

Celebrating 100th article with 100 followers ( Start with this, but don’t get struck here with so many articles;))

Laser printer working

Computers more like a human brain

Time keeping and leap second

Quatz watch working

Renewable energy sources

Neutrinos, the ghost particles

Biodegrading plastic by Bacteria!

World’s longest running science experiment, Pitch drop experiment.

Transhumanism( Humans and technology)


Liebster award

Do you think we only use 10% of our brain?

How to fix a broken wire of a speaker or a headphone?

What is Li-Fi? How is it 100 times faster than Wi-Fi?

How were the pyramids build?

A pen that draws in 3D!

What’s a DSLR? How to use it?

Parallel Universes?

How we see in 3D?

What are trees made of? Where does its mass come from?

Internet of things?

CES 2016

Gravitational Waves

Special and General theory of relativity

Making water from air, self filling water bottle.

Move back and forth in Time! Time dilation.

Gravity lights. Glowing bulbs using Gravity.

What if we were like Flash?

Biggest moment in Science. Gravitational waves!

What is supernova?

Flying Windmills!

Magic photos! Literally Magic.

Does cell phones cause Tumor?

BMW helmet with Augmented reality (AR)

Self cleaning nano textile?

40 years of Apple Inc.


My article on Cosmobc!

My blog in review by WordPress!


Two versatile blogger awards











Neutrinos, The Ghost Particles!!

Yesterday the Nobel Prize was awarded to Canadian physicist Arthur B. McDonald and Japanese physicist Takaaki Kajita, “for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass.

What is the actual significance of Neutrinos?

 Solar neutrinos could shed light on the inner workings of our sun and other stars, because they don’t interact much with other particles as they travel from the sun’s core out into space. (Isaac Asimov dubbed them “ghost particles.”) So the information they carry is less warped by interference. Neutrinos may also provide clues about the nature of dark matter( here the link for my article on Dark matter) and dark energy—two of the biggest challenges facing physics in the 21st century.

So, what actually are Neutrinos?

Neutrinos are tiny subatomic particles that move at nearly the speed of light and pass through almost anything without effect. To detect just a handful of the billions streaming through Earth at any given moment, scientists have built giant underground tanks, filled with tons of water and shielded from any other radiation. On the rare occasion that a neutrino strikes an atom’s nucleus, the collision produces a dim streak of light that contains information about its energy and the direction it’s traveling.

So, this was a brief look at the neutrinos… Let me know what do you think?

Here’s my previous article Time keeping


This is a big moment for me. This is my 100th post with more than 100 wordpress followers ( 104 followers ;)). Thank you so much guys, thanks for all your support, thanks to all those famous wordpress bloggers who supported me, gave answers to many silly questions of mine. My blog has got 2 100’s this time.  So this post has got some significance and this post should be big.

For that reason I have decided to link all my favourite articles on my blog. Damn this is too tough to select few from 100, all 100 are my favourite, let’s see how many I choose. Here we go..

Well before you read my favourite posts, let me tell you something. All those you are about read are those which are most interesting and fascinating things I shared on my blog since I started, everything I learnt, every fascinating thing I shared, every award I got. Thanks to all my followers and readers of my blog. Hey you know what all these lines are to be written at the bottom, but I have a doubt that you may not reach the bottom scrolling all the way down 😉 that’s a huge list with full of cool, fascinating, informatic and interesting stuff. Trust me that’s worth reading.

Thanks for bearing me😜😜 keep reading my blog and keep bearing me… 😜😜

“On virtual reality”. My first ever post

3D Printing

Quantum Dots

Piezoelectric effect

6 Degrees of separation

Tips to choose a smart phone

On 4D printing
Northern lights
On origin of our Universe
On mirrors flipping our image
How touch screen works
Light pollution
What’s mass?
Where did wind come from
On Windows 10
Abdul Kalam
Fast charging
The most radioactive places on earth
Warmhole, the fastest transport
Display resolution vs pixels
Are we both seeing the same colour?
What’s a Dimension?
What’s the colour of a mirror?
Can we go faster than light?
Recording dreams
50 follow;)
Nature of time
Most luxurious cars 2015
3D sound
The dream smart phone, Saygus
Worlds roundest object
Quantum computing
Total marvel story
Microsoft hologram
Ferrari F80
Dark matter
Black hole
Quantum dots?
The company Pebble..
Award 2
Award 3
Wow, now how was the ride on this big article? Let me know…


Firstly many thanks to “LifeMyntras” By Damini for this award. LifeMyntras is a fantastic blog, do check it out.

What’s this award? 

Well this award is an extension of gratitude  to all those people who make your news feed exciting!

So now, here are the rules for your reference:



Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.
Remember you can´t nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you. Lets give a chance to other bloggers! Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give one or two advice to new bloggers. Thank the person who nominated you, and provide a link to their blog.
List who you’ve nominated in the post. Make sure to also attach the award itself! (You can do this by right-clicking, saving, and uploading the image above).
Let the bloggers know you’ve nominated them by providing a link to the award post you created.

The story of my Blog

Well… This is the most interesting part in this post. I started this blog on April 4th 2015 ;). I started this blog to share my views, ideas, thoughts and mostly the Interesting Cool stuff which fascinates and gives us Information on various fields in fast growing Science and Technology. Scientists predict that in old times kowledge of humans doubles for every 1500 years and now for every 12 months the knowledge doubles. Alright that is quite a bit off topic, this blog exists because, this is the platform to interact with people and their ideas worldwide, which fetches me to improve my knowledge and may be their too.

Advice to new bloggers 

I am not so well experienced blogger, though I have a few suggestions. Concentrate on the content you “write” not the videos you present because people open wordpress to read content not to view videos, try to write constantly, interact with people and know some new things, tag your posts correctly…


Congratulations you are nominated, everyone who read this is nominated, because this is blogger recognition award and it is damn tough to nominate 15 bloggers.


Galaxies in our universe seem to be achieving an impossible feat. They are rotating with such speed that the gravity generated by their observable matter could not possibly hold them together; they should have torn themselves apart long ago. The same is true of galaxies in clusters, which leads scientists to believe that something we cannot see is at work. They think something we have yet to detect directly is giving these galaxies extra mass, generating the extra gravity they need to stay intact. This strange and unknown matter was called “dark matter” since it is not visible. 

 The darkmatter cannot be seen unlike normal matter, dark matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force. This means it does not absorb, reflect or emit light, making it extremely hard to spot. In fact, researchers have been able to infer the existence of dark matter only from the gravitational effect it seems to have on visible matter. The astonishing fact is that the matter we know and that makes up all stars and galaxies only accounts for 4% of the content of the universe! But what is dark matter? One idea is that it could contain “supersymmetric particles” – hypothesized particles that are partners to those already known in the Standard Model. Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may provide more direct clues about dark matter. Dark energy makes up approximately 70% of the universe and appears to be associated with the vacuum in space. It is distributed evenly throughout the universe, not only in space but also in time – in other words, its effect is not diluted as the universe expands. The even distribution means that dark energy does not have any local gravitational effects, but rather a global effect on the universe as a whole. This leads to a repulsive force, which tends to accelerate the expansion of the universe. The rate of expansion and its acceleration can be measured by observations based on the Hubble law. These measurements, together with other scientific data, have confirmed the existence of dark energy and provide an estimate of just how much of this mysterious substance exists.