“QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT” or A spooky action at a distance…

“QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT” Initially hated by Albert Einstein, he named it Spooky action at a distance. Because it seemed to contradict his statement ” nothing can go faster than light”.

Lets see how, say two particles are vibrating together, now separate them. An ambilical cord is created between them, such that if one particle is interrupted, then the other particle is aware of the fact that the first one is interrupted. Same is the case also when the particles are separated by a distance of 100.000 light (maybe ends of galaxy).

This would seem as if the information is sent faster than light but actually, just a random information is sent. So the statement ” nothing can go faster than light” is perfectly true.

This results that, measurements performed on one system seem to be instantaneously influencing other systems entangled with it.

May be this should come first, “Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated.”

I strongly recommend you to view the video embedded. So, let me know, what do you think of this?

“QUANTUM COMPUTING”, What’s that all about?

The “QUANTUM COMPUTING” as the name suggests it’s nothing but using Quantum physics in Computer Science. Generally in classical computing, everything works with the information in the form of bits 0 or 1. But in the case of Quantum computing it uses something called QBITS with this a Quantum computer uses 0 and 1 at the same time due to super position retained in electronic components such as transistors.

To understand how this speeds things up, consider this example. If the qubit is in a superposition of the 1 state and the 0 state, and it performed an calculation with another qubit in the same superposition, then one calculation actually obtains 4 results: a 1/1 result, a 1/0 result, a 0/1 result, and a 0/0 result. This is a result of the mathematics applied to a quantum system when in a state of decoherence, which lasts while it is in a superposition of states until it collapses down into one state. The ability of a quantum computer to perform multiple computations simultaneously (or in parallel, in computer terms) is called quantum parallelism).

But the Quantum computer cannot replace the classical computer as they lag in doing small tasks. The Quantum computer are much helpful in performing higher tasks, which the classical computer takes decades to solve.

A quantum computer would be able to perform calculations on a far greater order of magnitude than classical computers … a concept which has serious concerns and applications in the realm of cryptography & encryption.

GOOGLE AND NASA have launched a joint initiative in quantum computing.

The team, led by John Martinis of University of California, Santa Barbara is a collaboration between Google, NASA’s Ames Space Research Centre in Silicon Valley, and the Universities Space Research Asssociation (USRA).