Flying windmills!

“Energy”, don’t know how many times we use this word, but we surely use energy everyday. By now, we know what renewable energy sources are( if not go ahead and click here Renewable).

One of the most effective renewable sources of energy is wind energy, till now we have seen only the windmills on the ground producing energy. But, here are the new ones that are situated above the ground so called “Flying Windmills”.

So, what is the reason to put the windmills above the ground? Well… Higher altitudes offer upto five times stronger winds that are also consistent.

This thing flies with the help of helium filled shell. The airborne wind turbine will be held steady by making use of strong tethers which will also transfer the electricity generated to ground. And Flying windmills are actually tested!

Ben Glass, is the one who came with this idea. Learn more about these flying windmills from the video below.

And please do visit


Google Project Ara( An innovative piece’s’ of smart phone)

All the projects that Google is working on, like Project Ara, Project fi, Project Soli, Project wing, Project balloon, Project Tango and many more are super cool.

In my view this year Google I/O 2016 was mostly about AI and VR. Last year I have read about “Google Project Ara” and that really freaked me out. Now let’s see what actually is Project Ara.

Google Project Ara wants to do to hardware what apps did to software.


By creating a phone that can have each component changed, all the main components are interchangeable via modules that click in and out, attaching via electro permanent magnets.

Google believes it will drive down hardware pricing while allowing users to pick and choose what they want. That’s what Google’s Project Ara a modular smartphone aims to do. No need to buy a new Smartphone due to some damage just change the respective module. At last we can say only one thing that it’s a flexible platform suitable for everyone, everywhere and any time. It allows developers to be able to create modules for its Ara device.

So, let me know what do you think…

Turn your table top into an Android tablet!!

Ever thought of turning your table top into a touch screen? well… This gadget does just that. Lazertouch is a new, small projector that can turn any table top or even a wall into an Android tablet. This gadget showed up in INDIEGOGO. To detect touches, Lazertouch puts out a laser that is parallel with the surface. The projector is portable, and has  13,600mAh battery inside.

This can be used just like any android tablet.. Watch out the video, that looks really good..



Ever thought of trees glowing? Maybe now you should.. So, technical name for these type of plants is Bioluminescent plant. The first bioluminescent plant was made in 1986, with the addition of firefly luciferine.

There are a few species like jelly fish, fireflies etc.. On our planet that can glow. To make the glowing plants, the team first uses the Genome Compiler software to identify a plant’s DNA. The software then custom prints the sequence and then inserted into a plant.

The main sequence responsible for making the plant glow is known as luciferase (it can also be found in fireflies). Unlike the previously made Bioluminescent plants, where the plants aren’t so bright,  now scientists have been able to get the gene to recycle itself and make the plant especially bright.

Scientists say that the intensity of the light emitted by these Bioluminescent plants isn’t that high to replace streetlights. Hopefully someday we replace our street lights and table lamps with Bioluminescent plants.

Live forever “Frozen”(Cryonics)!

We have seen so many weird to the weirdest things in science, but I think nothing can be so weird than this. Basically cryogenics is the study of something in cold, but CRYONICS on the other hand is the study of some living thing kept in cold.

Cryonics is actually a process of preserving the human body in an extremely low temperatures, hoping that some day, science could be able to bring them back to life ( Technically called reanimation). “Hoping??” Yeah, this isn’t perfect yet, as of now scientists have only found the way to preserve the human body, but science has yet to improve further to bring the preserved human back to life!

You may ask, why on earth people want to live frozen forever? Well… The people with un-curable diseases hoping that science one day finds a cure or people just curious about future may end up preserving themselves through cryonics.

Now, let’s see what happens here rather how it happens. Once the person is dead, the cryonics team inject some antifreeze to protect the tissues from freezing because. The main problem here is our cells are full of water and when we freeze the body cells may freeze, when liquid freezes they expand so, there is a chance of breaking the cell membrane in this process. Then the body is cooled rapidly and finally kept in a liquid nitrogen container for too long.

It may take a few years or even decades to find a way to reanimate the human body (bringing the human back to life).

Science fiction is no more a fiction!!



Misconceptions about tides! What really causes tides?

Many people get it wrong about the reason for gravity of moon and sun responsible for tides. Now, let me ask you something, why don’t we see tides in a lake? And why don’t we see sand and rocks levitate, Due to the Gravity of moon and sun?

Let’s see what actually cause tides. When you are in an accelerating bus( technically in an accelerating frame or non-inertial frame), what ever may be the mass of the object, they  experience force while bus turns, in a direction opposite to the turn. This force is similar to the Tidal force experienced by earth.

Here, what ever may be the mass of the object on earth, they should move out of the surface of earth. But that’s not happening here, all the objects aren’t moving out. The tidal force isn’t acting only on the moon-earth line, because if that was the case ( tidal force acting along the moon earth line), we should see the lakes, ponds, rocks, you and me raising, but we aren’t. And the tidal acceleration due to the gravity of moon along the earth moon line is 1/10,000,000th gravity of earth, so it is not possible for this tiny force to lift something on earth. But that tides are real here!!!!

Then, what is really causing tides???

Until now, we only have considered forces on the earth-moon line. Now consider the forces acting on some other points on earth, the resultant of the forces at that point, i.e., the TIDAL force at that point is observed to be radially downward. By mapping the direction of tidal force at various points on earth, it looks something like the image down below. With the image below, it is clear that, this force is not lifting or stretching but getting SQUEEZED.


From an unknown source on the internet, I have read that this phenomenon is similar to that of squeezing a pimple;);) So true.. This makes it easy to answer my above question “Why do lakes don’t have tides?”. Well… You got it, they are like small pimples, hard to blast:);). They have a smaller surface area and have tiny microscopic tides, which can’t be seen. By the way, the similar is the case with sun. The Sun is very far from earth yet with a huge mass. So,according to the position of the sun, earth and moon the bigger and smaller tides are formed!

Let me know, what you think!

Spherical Tires!!!

Spherical tires, this may sound crazy, but they are actually awesome. Unveiled at the Geneva International Motor Show, by a company called “GOODYEAR”.


These tires allows cars to move in all directions, with spherical tires, you can even slide in sideways too. Greater parking efficient, so existing parking lots can accommodate more cars without taking up any more space. But, how on this earth, they fixed the tires to the car, yet manage to make them rotate in every direction?

Well… They used magnetic levitation, rather than axles, to suspend the tires under the cars body.. Where an object is suspended above another with no other support but magnetic field.

These are 3d printed, and are smart enough to detect, whether the road is wet or dry, and functions accordingly. The coral-patterned tread also behaves like a natural sponge – responding to wet weather by softening, while stiffening in dry conditions. Here are my previous articles on 3D printing and even 4D printing 😉 (3D printing , 4D printing ).






40 years of Apple Inc.

A big visionary with a great team, that is all it takes. On this day in 1976, Apple was found. And they never stopped surprising us with new tech.

Visual history of iOS!“, “Quotes of Steve Jobs”

Here’s a sneak peek on what Apple Inc. did in 40 years.

Thoughts of Walt Mossberg of Verge on Apple Inc.


Though this was too small post, yet worth getting inspired. I thought it’s cool to know that, a company which started in a small garage now worth almost a 500 billion dollars! And one of the most trusted, innovative and loved companies ever found.

Happy Birthday Apple Inc.

Featured image source: Fortune

Blogger Recognition Awards!!

Thank you so much Chape, for nominating me for this award. He has a great blog with good content, go ahead and checkout his blog.

So, here are the rules..

The Rules:

  1. Write a post to show your award.
  2. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  3. Give two advice to new bloggers.
  4. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  5. Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.

So, here is how it all started. The idea of creating something like a website, which should contain all the stuff related to Science and Technology, was on my mind so long before I started this blog.  That time, I don’t know where to start, I literally searched every possible source. In this search, I learnt so much about SEO(search engine optimisation) and stuff, with GREAT struggle, I actually created a free self-hosted website which shows adverticements more than my articles.

And I realised that building a self-hosted website actually need skills which comes through experience. Finally I thought of creating some blog, where I don’t need to worry about anything but content. That is how I came across WordPress.

And my blog’s Title!!

Well… I wanted my blog to be useful, whoever reads it, should be able to understand and finally I wanted it to be cool;)

Advice for new bloggers:

I am not so experienced or famous here. But in there 11 months of blogging I learnt so much.

Here are 2 tips;)

  1. Don’t write junk.
  2. Do read other blogs(of course mine) and most importantly tag your articles(your articles doesn’t reach readers, if you don’t tag your articles with a few relevant words).









Life as a potpourri


Light up the shining night stars








Decoding Happyness





This is extremely tough for me to nominate a few bloggers, there are so many of them whose blogs are extraordinary. Bloggers won’t write an award article, if I write ” Anyone interested can write an award post”;);) So, if I missed someone, I am really sorry.








Self cleaning NANO textiles! How it works?

Before getting into all the magical stuff behind nanotechnology, let’s see what actually nanotechnology is. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, smaller than the wavelength of visible light and a hundred-thousandth the width of a human hair, this says how tiny nanomaterials are.. In nanotechnology we deal with matter in nanoscale.

In nanotechnology we will be able to control individual atoms, which means we will be able to move atoms and molecules to specific places. Something like the GIF shown below.




Scientists created some special nanostructures which can degrade organic matter when exposed to light  directly onto textiles. The work paves the way towards nano-enhanced textiles that can spontaneously clean themselves of stains and grime simply by being put under a light bulb or worn out in the sun. Research Lab at RMIT worked with copper and silver-based nanostructures, which are known for their ability to absorb visible light.

When the nanostructures are exposed to light, they receive an energy boost that creates hot electrons. These hot electrons release a burst of energy that enables the nanostructures to degrade organic matter.

Approach was to grow the nanostructures directly onto the textiles by dipping them into a few solutions, resulting in the development of stable nanostructures within 30 minutes.

Nanotechnology has a vast scope and plenty of advantages, this article was just a glimpse of what nanotechnology is capable of..