WHATS 4D PRINTING NOW? How is that different from recent 3D printing?

informatic cool stuff

Special feature is selfshaping or selfhealing.

We are watching the advancements in science since ages. In my perspective if this 4D printing is taken into action in near future it changes our lifestyle totally. In 3d printing we have learned to print 3D objects by giving its certain measurements with one kind of material inside which prints layer by layer to get a complete structure of the given parameters. In WWDC we have seen further advancement and learned to print food with 3D printing.

Now 4D Printing


With 4D printing technology now we will be able to make the objects get their shape on their own without any motors electrical circuits and stuff.Imagine robotics-like behavior without the reliance on complex electro-mechanical devices)

Although not commercially available, self-assembly is just a beginning of a whole innovative world of manufacturing with minimum energy. As environmental, economic, human and other constraints continue to…

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Firstly many thanks to “LifeMyntras” By Damini for this award. LifeMyntras is a fantastic blog, do check it out.https://lifemyntras.wordpress.com/

What’s this award? 

Well this award is an extension of gratitude  to all those people who make your news feed exciting!

So now, here are the rules for your reference:



Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.
Remember you can´t nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you. Lets give a chance to other bloggers! Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give one or two advice to new bloggers. Thank the person who nominated you, and provide a link to their blog.
List who you’ve nominated in the post. Make sure to also attach the award itself! (You can do this by right-clicking, saving, and uploading the image above).
Let the bloggers know you’ve nominated them by providing a link to the award post you created.

The story of my Blog

Well… This is the most interesting part in this post. I started this blog on April 4th 2015 ;). I started this blog to share my views, ideas, thoughts and mostly the Interesting Cool stuff which fascinates and gives us Information on various fields in fast growing Science and Technology. Scientists predict that in old times kowledge of humans doubles for every 1500 years and now for every 12 months the knowledge doubles. Alright that is quite a bit off topic, this blog exists because, this is the platform to interact with people and their ideas worldwide, which fetches me to improve my knowledge and may be their too.

Advice to new bloggers 

I am not so well experienced blogger, though I have a few suggestions. Concentrate on the content you “write” not the videos you present because people open wordpress to read content not to view videos, try to write constantly, interact with people and know some new things, tag your posts correctly…


Congratulations you are nominated, everyone who read this is nominated, because this is blogger recognition award and it is damn tough to nominate 15 bloggers.

WHATS 4D PRINTING NOW? How is that different from recent 3D printing?

Special feature is selfshaping or selfhealing.

We are watching the advancements in science since ages. In my perspective if this 4D printing is taken into action in near future it changes our lifestyle totally. In 3d printing we have learned to print 3D objects by giving its certain measurements with one kind of material inside which prints layer by layer to get a complete structure of the given parameters. In WWDC we have seen further advancement and learned to print food with 3D printing.

Now 4D Printing


With 4D printing technology now we will be able to make the objects get their shape on their own without any motors electrical circuits and stuff.Imagine robotics-like behavior without the reliance on complex electro-mechanical devices)

Although not commercially available, self-assembly is just a beginning of a whole innovative world of manufacturing with minimum energy. As environmental, economic, human and other constraints continue to fluctuate, we will eventually need dynamic systems that can respond with ease and agility. 4D Printing is the first of its kind to offer this exciting capability. This is truly a radical shift in our understanding of structures, which have up to this point, remained static and rigid (think aerospace, automotive, building industries etc) and will soon be dynamic, adaptable and tunable for on-demand performance.

Who knows may be in future we may apply this to our body and make our body self healing!!! “Skyscrapers” build with smart bricks and smart materials saves us in critical times like Earthquakes etc