That’s right, its been 2 years and I am not bored yet! I have started this blog on 4th, April, 2015, with zero expectations. Probably this is one of the very few things I did consistently for so long. Two years!! When I look back, I can’t tell about you, but I have become more “informatic”. I got to know a lot about blogging. I have started a self hosted blog 6 months ago, DAMN!! There was actually a lot to know before and after creating a self hosted blog.

Very recently, on 26th march 2017, I got the approval of Google AdSense!! And there is a big back story for it, to understand that just compare this WP hosted blog ( and the self-hosted blog (

Exactly a year ago, I wrote an article to celebrate one year of blogging, here’s the link to it One year of blogging., also an article, when I have reached my 100 articles count (!00th article with 100 fellow bloggers.) and an article on getting 50 wordpress followers on my blog (50 followers on wordpress.), right now I have 341 wordpress followers on this blog and 118 followers on self-hosted blog… That’s quite a long and fun journey. When i read those previously mentioned articles, I can clearly see what I have been doing. I mean, one article containing all that i did till that article… Sounds great right! Like “!00th article with 100 fellow bloggers” article contains almost all the work i did untill that article.

Ok, now let me give you all my favourite posts I did after the article “One year of blogging“. Before that, let me tell you why I do this kind of post… I celebrate any special milestones on my blog with all my favourite articles at one place.

I guess you wouldn’t be able to read all of those article completely, so, let me thank all the readers for reading my articles and for all their constant support. All the bloggers in this, so called “blogospehere” are amazing and inspiring.

Here’s are those article, ENJOY reading…

!00th article with 100 fellow bloggers.

Future of batteries

Complete story of “Nokia”!

Flying windmills!

what is E-Paper? How it works?

Solar Panel! How does it work?

My new self-hosted blog!

Machines that never stop!! Perpetual motion machines?

RFID! Is that the future of barcodes?


What is “BIG” data?

Iris Scan vs Retina Scan…

What is Gravitational lensing?

Computer Part-2. Processors!! What does i3,i5,i7 mean?, Computer! Part-1

Deep web and dark web??


Light bulbs! History and science…

Science of Muscle building!

Space Elevator! Possible?

What’s your speed right now?

Science of becoming Batman!!!

“WIND” Where it comes from?


Live forever “Frozen”(Cryonics)!

Misconceptions about tides! What really causes tides?

What’s Encryption? And what’s Quantum Cryptography?

Spherical Tires!!!








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